Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Fellow travellers

Around the site there are a few full timers, the site Manager and his wife, manage the site during the summer and when the site closes down in the winter they move off to Spain for the winter yes the UK has its own snowbirds too.
Another couple who come from the next village to us, are here for the season, then they travel to Spain for the winter too. they take the ferry from Portsmouth to Bilboa and have a four hour drive to the campsite they stay on for the full allowed time which is 180 days or just under 6 months.
They have a house, but tried to sell it a few years back, but now rent it out, so they have the income from their house which pays for there lifestyle.
On the site there are a few staying in tents from 1man up to family tents, we have a couple who have a large tunnel tent, and a Volkswagen van fitted out with a large double bed, they use the tent to live in during the day cooking etc, but sleep in the van at night. incidentally they have just married on the back of the van.
The trailer they tow is a cut down Volkswagen car cut in half and the front half of the trailer has a front of steel welded to it.
Also on the site we have a Dutchman a German. 
Most of the campers here are mostly age concession campers, over 55s get a 30% discount.
On our afternoon walk Tara and I heard a Capercailli  a large pheasant bird which is a protected specie in Scotland in fact its a very rare bird. You cannot make a mistake if you hear it, it makes a tic tic toc call. I looked for it but never saw it as they can go to ground and lay still if threatened, I understand that they can fly a long distance for a large bird.
I mentioned about the  Capercailli to the site manager and he asked me to put it in the wildlife book in the information room.
Tomorrow we head home with a list of things we need and chores I have to do on the motorhome such as flushing out the water tanks..

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