Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Bits and Pieces

The Cheque has been paid into the bank, awning ordered off Amazon. MiFi router ordered off 3 mobile should be here tomorrow, once its up and working I shall do a review on it.
The MiFi router  had  two options, a contract between 18 months and 24 months or Pay as you go, I have gone for Pay as you go, i ordered 3 Gb for 3 months, they had a 12Gb over 12 month pay as you go for £134 which I thought was expensive considering I could get 3 Gb sym cards off Amazon for £11.56 and multiplying that by 4 to give me 12 Gb works out cheaper. Although the 3Gb WiFi router cost me £84 start up I am well pleased.
I can run up to 5 gadgets off the one router , My laptop Sheilas laptop my iPad, Sheilas Samsung Galaxy pad, and her iPod too not at all the same time I hasten to add..
We had looked at buying a TV a small flat-screen  one but they are expensive, so I researched some other ideas and bought a freeview tv receiver USB stick, the stick came with a antenna. The motorhome has a built in aerial with a booster I took my laptop outside and tuned the stick receiver and laptop to the motorhome aerial, it took about 20 minutes to complete the job, I was amazed at the quality of the tv and how clear it was. I then disconnected the motorhome aerial and plugged the small antenna into the receiver stick, I could not believe that the small antenna was better than the motorhome aerial. So I shall experiment with that when I am out and about and let you know the results I have achieved.
www.wildcamping.co.uk  is the main forum site I use for researching wildcamping spots, the membership is well worth it, you not only can post on there but you can download POI for GPS. also there is a good directory on the site for most of the UK. Canalsman is a senior member who has set up most of the POIs on the site and he does post random POI of the day. He uses Google Earth which I find useful when looking at the site through Streetview. Go and have a look at the site.

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